WP essentials


  1. User Front End Posting! UFEP
    – easy, straightforward but complete
    – functional without fancy crap
    – WPUF could be perfect (but no Front End EDIT link for author!!!)
  2. Lightbox, specially from thumnail to video!
    – for textlinks and images to videos!
    – applicable through WPUF
    – should be one-click/TinyMCE
  3. Polls
    – preferibly also Likert-scales (seems none-existing…)
    – with instant Front End statistical graphs (ajax?)
    – also text results: X results from Y votes = Z percent
    – option to change vote, actually renew and keep historical dates
    – option for “other” answer, convertible into additional choice
    – embeddable in external pages (both input as output)
  4. Rating
    – not by choice but only because generally missing (Likert) options in polls 🙁
    – 1 to 5 (stars) on several criteria
    – templates that can be repeated in unlimited pages
  5. Telegram login
    – and other telegram integration options

2) Images -> VIDEO in lightbox!

  1. Plextube.nl link:
    (can copy video code from stats-link in the list
  2. Vimeo links: https://player.vimeo.com/472591199
  3. Bitchute


  • Easy Fancybox – class=”fancybox-iframe”

2a) Add “Class” to image (!) link in TinyMCE?

Open external links in a new window format for exceptions:
More advanced: https://ps.w.org/wp-external-links/assets/screenshot-1.png?rev=2560578


3) Polls and/or Rating?

(link to Polls and stuff)

Rating would actually be a (poor?) substitute of a Likert Scale, but GEFN!!

[totalrating-widget id=”3″]

Tryouts per plugin

  • TotalPoll
  • TotalSurvey
  • TotalRating
  • YASR
  • Total-Soft WP Poll

Hoping to find

  1. Normal poll
    open question with answer selection (+ more option (which adds to selection after approval by the public (which in fact would be a new poll)))
  2. Likert-scale type
    or some substitute: star-rating, adapted normal poll with answers 1 – 5
  3. Instant chart results (bar, pie, etc)
  4. Revotable (change opinion or even better, NEW opinion, but keep the old ones stored to also show changes over time)
  5. Translatable
  6. Insertable (as concept, so not one fixed external question but the question-answer combination associated to that article/image/video) like the intended rating for videos: understandable, credibility, importance etc…
  7. Embeddable in other websistes (article + associated question-answer combination)

4) Make links FB style, with thumbnail and excerpt

5) Backup/copy/clone/migrate?

so confusing…

6) Increase speed, SEO, cache, etc…



Adapt TinyMCE

full form 115
Edit link/button should appear below the line…  (why doesn’t it?)

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