Essential plugin types

Lightbox! Images, videos, ¿pdf, other pages?

Option to click to go to the full/real page

Front end creating and editing

Poll plugins

For specific questions on specific pages/subjects
embed possibility on other pages/websites
SHOW: x votes out of y total = z percentage  (x / y = z%)
ALSO (user-choosable) graphic display, of course (preference: small columns)
recognize user/cookie for result

Rating plugin (survey)

Repeated rating sequence, especially for videos but also any content (including comments)
Basic rating 1 to 5 in stars, but also 1 – 10 or -5 to +5
Preferibly compatible with the polls too
General “LIKE” Rate but also:

  1. Easy to understand?
  2. Important?
  3. Urgent?
  4. Credibility?
  5. Common sense?
  6. Enriching? (learn from it)
Click to rate this post as a whole, thank you.
[Total: 0 Average: 0]