Michael Jackson wanted to Heal the World…

Michael Jackson was één van de meest invloedrijke artiest in de geschiedenis van de muziekindustrie. Hij was niet afhankelijk van deze muziekindustrie, maar eerder andersom. Hij had grote invloed op zijn Fans en was onafhankelijk van geldschieters of platenmaatschappijen. Zo kon hij zich ook veroorloven dingen open uit te spreken, maar daar waren bepaalde groeperingen niet echt blij mee.

Michael Jackson was one of the most influential artist in the history of the music industry. He was not dependent on this music industry, but rather the other way around. He had a great influence on his fans and was independent of financial backers or record companies. This way he could also afford to say things openly, but certain groups were not really happy with that.

23/11/1992 – Heal the world

Heal the World” is a song recorded by American singer Michael Jackson from his eighth studio album, Dangerous (1991). It was released on November 23, 1992 as the sixth single from the album. It was written and composed by Jackson, and produced by Jackson and Bruce Swedien. It is a song steeped with antiwar lyrics and Jackson’s wish for humanity of making the world a better place.

Heal the World è un singolo del cantante statunitense Michael Jackson, pubblicato il 23 novembre 1992 come settimo estratto dall’album Dangerous del 1991. La canzone fu scritta e composta da Michael Jackson e prodotta da Jackson con la collaborazione di David Foster. Utilizzando il titolo di questa canzone, fondò la Heal the World Foundation, un’associazione benefica che fu progettata per migliorare la vita dei bambini in difficoltà. Tutti i proventi derivanti dal suo Dangerous World Tour furono devoluti a questa associazione, che però chiuse nel 2004 per violazione delle leggi americane in termini di management ed assetto finanziario. Nel documentario Living with Michael Jackson del 2003 Jackson dichiarò di aver scritto la canzone seduto sopra il ramo di un enorme albero del Neverland Ranch, che l’artista chiamava “giving tree” (l’albero donatore) perché riteneva che tale albero lo ispirasse nello scrivere nuove canzoni. Jackson ha detto di aver scritto anche canzoni come Black or White e Childhood seduto su questo albero.

07/11/1995 – Earth Song (what about us?)

Earth Song” is a song by the American singer Michael Jackson for his ninth studio album, HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I (1995). It was written by Jackson and produced by Jackson, David Foster and Bill BottrellEpic Records released on November 7, 1995, as the album’s third single.

Earth Song è una canzone scritta, composta e interpretata dal cantante statunitense Michael Jackson, estratta il 27 novembre 1995 come terzo singolo dall’album HIStory: Past, Present and Future – Book I, dello stesso anno.

31/03/1996 – They don’t care about us.

They Don’t Care About Us” is a song by American singer and songwriter Michael Jackson, released in April 16, 1996, as the fifth single from his ninth album, HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I (1995). 

They Don’t Care About Us è una canzone scritta, composta e interpretata dal  cantante statunitense Michael Jackson estratta il 31 marzo 1996 come quarto singolo dall’album HIStory: Past, Present and Future – Book I del 1995.

09/07/2001 (four days before 09/11 ???)

Died 25/06/2009 – 50 
“cardiac arrest while under the influence of propofol, a surgical anesthetic”
Dr. Conrad Murray receives four-year sentence in Michael Jackson’s death

Prince 21/04/2016 – 57
“accidental overdose of the opioid fentanyl”
Doctor who treated Prince agrees to pay $30,000 settlement for illegal prescription

Bowie 10/01/2016 – 69
“after an 18-month battle with liver cancer”

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