Italian elections 2022. Who is Giorgia Meloni?

In the first ever summer elections held in Italy, Giorgia Meloni’s party Fratelli d’Italia emerged victorious with 26% of the vote. It is the first time that a far-right party will take the leading role in a post-war government, and Meloni stands a good chance of becoming Italy’s first ever female prime minister.

Along with her apparent affinity for Trump or Orban, it seems to some people and groups, that this might be a good turn. Nothing could be further from the truth, however.

The NIS introduction may paint a first rough picture. But it does not give a definitive answer to its real position. Questions and ambiguities remain because of her contradictory positions at different times and in different areas.

To begin with, Meloni and her Fratelli were originally in favor of Italy leaving the EU and the Euro (as, incidentally, were la Lega and Cinque Stelle). However, she seems to have backtracked on that in recent months and actually just wants to continue the Draghi plan adamantly. This plan is nothing but support for globalism and would mean full speed ahead for Italy towards a surveillance society à la China with a social credistcore, QR codes (‘green’ pass) and vaccination obligation, in other words the Great Reset and Agenda 2030.

The vaccination requirement will be voted on Nov. 22 so we will see its real face there anyway.

By the way, for the new pro-Constitution parties, Meloni is actually not even relevant.
What they are outraged about is that now there is no real opposition left in the Italian parliament to politically oppose all those expected next steps towards Agenda 2030. Nor to be able to seek redress for all the disastrous effects of the Covid measures such as ruining the economy and certainly the countless unnecessary victims of the harmful side effects and even deaths resulting from the experimental injection and, in fact, the whole pandemic-narrative.
Here Meloni has never uttered a word and almost certainly will not. For in this, she is ultimately exactly the same as Salvini, Berlusconi, di Maio, Letta, Renzi or even Draghi himself. She will simply follow “the plan,” regardless of whether or not she is officially part(s) of Aspen, WEF or Bilderberg. In this case, “left” or “right” no longer matters. By now we are all living under a false democracy, not just the U.S. anymore.
The Dutch, who had the illusion that the “exteem right-wing” of Fratelli d’Italia could mean something like Forum for Democracy and that Meloni might be a kind of Baudet, I must unfortunately disappoint. The one who came closest to that was GianLuigi Paragone of Italexit, but he, like the other pro-Constitution parties, is now sidelined for the time being. The question is whether they will ever get another chance after Meloni.

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