Proposal: always end with “Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”

Open proposal to everybody, but very specifically to journalists. It’s very simple:

From now on, end all your articles, speeches, programs, broadcasts, podcasts, etcetera with the words:

“Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”

in written text add: #FreeAssange

This simple tactics was used by Cato the Elder, a politician of the Roman Republic.
The phrase originates from debates held in the Roman Senate prior to the Third Punic War (149–146 BC) between Rome and Carthage. Cato is said to have used the phrase as the conclusion to all his speeches, to push for the war, even when the debate was on a completely different matter. (wikipedia)

“Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse

The force of this tactics is the continuous repetition, instead of just mentioning it once or twice and with that consider it “done” or to have complied. It’s (of course) the same tactics as used by publicity.
So, now lets use it for a real cause!

  • In the first place Julian Assange has now been held prisoner and tortured without any official accusation or trial in Belmarsh, the worst prison of the UK, AKA the British Guantanamo, since 11 april 2019.
  • He is held there for extradition to the US where he WILL be accused and possibly sentenced to 175 years of prison.
  • The accusation of the US is no more than having reveiled the truth to the public about US war crimes. So WHO is the real criminal here?
  • Even if you don’t care about Julian or you don’t like him, it is undeniable that Julian Assange has become the absolute symbol for the Freedom of Press and thus Freedom of Speech, which stands at the basis of (y)our Universal Human Rights.
    So even if you wouldn’t defend Julian, for your own good you should defend (y)our Human Rights.

US UK together have once again decided that they are above any international law, agreement, rule and human ethics, morality, dignity and consideration.
That sucks!

So again, all of us who publish anything, anywhere, lets always finish off those publications with: “Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”
Alternatively, if you want to keep the historical element in your declaration you can opt for latin:
“Ceterum censeo Assangem Liberandum esse”
Or if you’re short on time, space or letters also the good old #FreeAssange will do of course.

The important point is to be consistent.
Just in case you didn’t know… in the end Carthago WAS destroyed.

Ceterum censeo Assangem liberandum esse.  #FreeAssange

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