Tags for StopEcocide IT

Hi Louise.
That’s great news!!
I have been looking forward to see things really start rolling for StopEcocide in Italy on a greater level. In fact, almost since I arrived here. Actually it was still Mission Life Force then, towards the end of 2017.

On individual basis I have grabbed every chance to draw attention to MLF/StopEcocide ever since, but initially my network locally was zero of course, so not too many chances. Eventually I got to talk with quite some individual people anyway. Additionally StopEcocide has always been present at all protests since I engaged in FFF (all fridays), I have given an occasional short speech/presentation at some events of FFF and XR and even on the subway where StopEcocide has traveled quiet a lot as well 😉 In the end I may have reached a few thousand (real, physical!) people and got some fifteen of them to sign up as Earth Protectors. I am sure tangible support from the heart quarters with an official website will be a great help and reinforcement to start expanding StopEcocide for real also in Italy.

Regarding online references, these are the FB groups I’m personally engaged in. I’m afraid I hardly engage in twitter and instagram actually not at all.

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