The Great Reset: will high-tech simply substitute the middle class?

The Great Reset promises to make a better world…

for the elites!

If this “Great Reset” succeeds, there will be basically 3 classes in the whole world

  1. High class = 1% of elite
  2. Middle class = Robots, AI, automation, artificiality
  3. Lower class = 99% submitted and controlled world population who will be reduced
    to just some kind of extension of the production process for the big corporations
    and at the same time the “market” that is manipulated into mass consuption
    to justify, maintain and where possible increase this production
    while living an artificial life with apparent freedom within very strict boundaries
    that might be called “comfort zone”

There are 6 main blocks for elite to stay in power

  1. Financial entities who have and control everything
    banks & assurance
  2. Armed forces, military, police…
    as hidden as possible for apparent peace
    but available and extremely equiped to supress any scale resisitance, from small groups protests and riots to war
  3. Manipulated politicians
    to maintain the appearance of democracy
    but people will only be allowed into governments
    if they agree to and propagate the elite’s agenda
  4. MSM to keep the people dumb, distracted, manipulated and focused on materialism and consumption
    Disney, football, Facebook, Youtube, Amazon
    they also exist and are controlled to promote the elite’s agenda
  5. Big Pharma
    to destroy people’s immune system, keep them weak and addicted to (legal) drugs
  6. Big Tech
    for automated AI and algorithm driven regulation and control of all of society
    smart life in smart homes in smart cities with smart transport.
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