Twitter turned into (in fact, remained) a Big Black X!

I’ve just seen this as explanation of some other suspended account:

Permanent suspension: This is our most severe enforcement action. Permanently suspending an account will remove it from view, and the violator will not be allowed to create new accounts. When we permanently suspend an account, we notify people that they have been suspended for abuse violations, and explain which policy or policies they have violated and which content was in violation.

explain which policy or policies they have violated and which content was in violation.NOT TRUE!

I have been notified indeed, some four or five times in fact, obviously the work Artificial Idiocy, but no “explain which policy or policies” whatsoever, nor ” which content was in violation“.

Just like all established powers in the world they are shamelessly breaking their own rules while blaming the people and are using artificiality that doesn’t work first to do the blaming, then to give answers and finally even to take “responsibility”.

We ‘came back’ to Twitter, because we understood it had been cleaned from exactly this, but you turn out to still be the just same great Big Black X!







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