The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory, it’s your future! If you allow them… – Amazing Polly

In the first part I explain how “Build Back Better” and “The Great Reset” is one and the same fascist plan for total control of the world. I show you exactly where it comes from. Next, I get into why people who know about it are fighting against it. Finally I end with some hope!! We’re going to beat these people, but first we have to cut through the media lies.



copied from amazing Polly website

To support my work please go here:


World Economic Forum Build Back Better:

Pass Blue:

WEF 2016: I own nothing, have no privacy:

Internet of Nanothings slide show:

WEF / Event 201:

FIAN: UN + WEF agreement:

Open Letter re UN / WEF partnership:

Build Back Better Media edition:

Quantum dot tattoo:

WinterOak Great Fascist Reset:

#GreatReset #BuildBackBetter

Trying Totalpoll inclusion

To what extent is it clear to yourself which "gender" you are and where your sexual preference lies?

Around what age was your sexual position clear to yourself?

How did you reach your conclusions about your own sexuality and gender?

To what degree do you think that extensive and explicit information at school about sexual preferences and "gender choice" would have contributed to your eventual development?

To what extent do you find it acceptable that children are taught in school to be tolerant and not to discriminate?

To what extent do you find it acceptable that children in school are taught in explicit ways about sexual positions, sexual preferences and possible doubts about their own gender.

To what extent do you feel that this global phenomenon goes beyond just the argument of inclusion and has some other unmentioned goal or agenda?

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