(by normal editing)
- check “Class” option for TinyMCE editing
- Try other embeds!! Bitchute etc!
- Simple lightbox + video lightbox
– Vimeo link (Fibonacci) works great! Default, automatically, no coding.
– Youtube link (Cymatics) unfortunately not anymore
– AIOGV videos???
– PeerTube, D.tube, Bitchute, Lbry, Brighteon embeds?? - Wonderplugin lightbox
seems to work wonderfully!! (Quick start) class=”wplightbox”
only needs option for “Class” in TinyMCE editing…
TinyMCE – how to add classes in link dialogue question – ‘answer‘- Vimeo link (Fibonacci) works great! Default, automatically, no coding.
- Fibonacci (Fibonacci) works great! Default, automatically, no coding.
- Youtube link (Cymatics) unfortunately not anymore
- AIOGV videos???
- direct link: PeerTube, D.tube, Bitchute, Lbry, Brighteon embeds??
- Embedded: PeerTube, D.tube, Bitchute, Lbry, Brighteon
[totalrating-widget id=”3″]
Easy Lightbox – Best Image, Gallery and Video Lightbox for WordPress
Direct peer tube link.
Peer tube embed code.
Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced)
Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).
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