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  • 2024
  • Vrijheid voor Assange is ook Waarheid voor Palestina!

    Als Julian Assange vrij was geweest dan zou de wereld de waarheid over Palestina beter kennen, want dan zou de[...]

  • Twitter turned into (in fact, remained) a Big Black X!

    I’ve just seen this as explanation of some other suspended account: Permanent suspension: This is our most severe enforcement action.[...]

  • Telegram test

    Telegram Ajax widget Telegram Legacy widget Telegram embed… Telegram embed 02   Telegram iframe   EDIT Textarea tlgr: Telegram post

  • Michael Jackson wanted to Heal the World…

    Michael Jackson was one of the most influential and independent artists in the history of the music industry.

  • embed html?

      Alternative for iframe is embed tag. komt van: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/alternative-to-iframes-in-html5    

  • Proposal: always end with “Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”

    Open proposal to everybody, but very specifically to journalists. It’s very simple: From now on, end all your articles, speeches,[...]

  • For transgender article

    Why this apparent obsession, synchronized across the world, to consciously make them think and/or doubt their sexual preferences and gender acceptance at such a young age?

  • Rules of Procedure and Evidence

    Regolamento di procedura e di prova costituiscono uno strumento di applicazione dello Statuto di Roma della Corte Penale Internazionale,

  • Sloveens parlement verklaart Covid decreten ongrondwettelijk en betaalt boetes terug.

    Afgevaardigden keurden de wet goed over de terugbetaling van boetes als gevolg van ongrondwettelijke covid-decreten. Ljubljana, Slowakije 20.09.2023, 18:50
