You must resist. You CAN resist! – Julian Assange

If wars can be started by lies,
peace can be started by truth.

I visited Julian the other day at
Belmarsh Prison, Britain’s Guantanamo.

He spends 23 hours every day
for 3.5 years in solitary confinement.

This is an attempt, not to break him
but to kill him.

It’s slow murder of a man
who has not been convicted,

has not been charged of anything
except journalism.

If you care for your right to know…

what your governments do
behind your back in your name,

all those crimes against humanity,

then you must support Julian Assange…

because Julian Assange is dying
for your right to know…

what your government is doing
on your behalf behind your back.

He has been detained
since the 7th of December 2010 …

in one form or another.

And you are not going to have
YOUR laws apply to OUR citizens…

when they’re not even
in your bloody country.

You must resist.
You CAN resist!


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