Lightbox – specially from images to video

2) Images -> VIDEO in lightbox!

  1. link:
    (can copy video code from stats-link in the list
  2. Vimeo links:
  3. Bitchute


  • Easy Fancybox – class=”fancybox-iframe”

2A) Add “Class” to image (!) link in TinyMCE?


PART 1 – the plugin

  1. Install Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) Plugin
    Unfortunately not tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress (@11/2022) but that’s a risk one has to accept…
  2. Go to: Settings > Advanced Editor Tools >  Settings
    – Choose Classic Editor (TinyMCE)
    – Scroll down to options
    – Activate Alternative link dialog
  3. Now you have additional options when you click the link icon in the edit menu
  4. It’s hard to understand but the makers of this plugin seemed to consider “Rel” and “Target ” important but Class irrelevant.
    For this reason additionally to installing the plugin, you now also have to edit some code…

Part 2 – edit some code…

  1. go to: /wp-content/plugins/tinymce-advanced/mce/link (=advanced  editor tools!)
  2. open plugin.min.js
    text editor is good enough, but Visual Studio or similar make your life a bit easier
  3. Find the text “New Window” (somewhere around col 4775 – originally used for “Target”)
    and replace it by “your-class”
    then hit the backbutton until you reach “Target” and replace it by “Class”

Just trying… (me & wordpress) this is how it normally works

here same image with video-link that opens in wplightbox

External links

Open external links in a new window format for exceptions:
More advanced:|||
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