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Cosas varias
- Sevilla: tipo 1 – tipo 2 (no se entiende la diferenza)
- Andalucía: tipo 3 – tipo 4 (allemaal te openen onder RiccardoRB!)
- Algunos de mapchannels: sevillespain – home ofzo – V5 Dashboard
- Open street map? – RiccEuropa BARco – planet OSM – WP & OSM
Mapa de partida? – OSM reference – OSM and postal codes
2025 -
Protected: #KennedyForAssange – Sign his petition to urge Biden to FREE Assange NOW!
Protected: #KennedyForAssange – Sign his petition to urge Biden to FREE Assange NOW!
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
2024 -
Vrijheid voor Assange is ook Waarheid voor Palestina!
- Als Julian Assange vrij was geweest dan zou de wereld de waarheid over Palestina beter kennen, want dan zou de pers niet zo onderdrukt zijn als nu.
- Het is in het belang van Palestina nu en in de toekomst dat de pers werkelijk vrij en onafhankelijk is.
- Julian Assange is het symbool van de persvrijheid als hij vrijkomt is de pers ook weer vrij.
Julian heeft daar meer voor gedaan dan wie dan ook en juist daarom zit hij nu gevangen in Belmarsh, waar hij dood aan het gaan is. Als belangrijkste symbool voor de persvrijheid.
FB post
Tja… en is dit nou Kerst…???
Het spijt me, maar gezien de omstandigheden kan en wil ik dit jaar niet anders dan me totaal aansluiten bij deze decennia-oude vraag van John Lennon, die naar alle zekerheid gedeeld wordt door Julian Assange – al vijf jaar onschuldig opgesloten in Belmarsh – en die gekoppeld is aan Julian’s uitspraak:“WARs are started [and continued] by lies…”
Waarbij de essentie van het probleem niet eens ligt bij diegene die de leugens vertelt, maar bij die enorme massa die ze onbegrijpelijkerwijze blind gelooft en accepteert.
#FreeAssange #FreeTheTruth
Every Day is #FreeAssangeDayVrijheid voor Assange is ook Waarheid voor Palestina!
Als Julian Assange vrij was geweest dan zou de wereld de waarheid over Palestina beter kennen, want dan zou de[...]
2023 -
Twitter turned into (in fact, remained) a Big Black X!
I’ve just seen this as explanation of some other suspended account:
Permanent suspension: This is our most severe enforcement action. Permanently suspending an account will remove it from view, and the violator will not be allowed to create new accounts. When we permanently suspend an account, we notify people that they have been suspended for abuse violations, and explain which policy or policies they have violated and which content was in violation.
“explain which policy or policies they have violated and which content was in violation.” NOT TRUE!
I have been notified indeed, some four or five times in fact, obviously the work Artificial Idiocy, but no “explain which policy or policies” whatsoever, nor ” which content was in violation“.
Just like all established powers in the world they are shamelessly breaking their own rules while blaming the people and are using artificiality that doesn’t work first to do the blaming, then to give answers and finally even to take “responsibility”.
We ‘came back’ to Twitter, because we understood it had been cleaned from exactly this, but you turn out to still be the just same great Big Black X!
Twitter turned into (in fact, remained) a Big Black X!
I’ve just seen this as explanation of some other suspended account: Permanent suspension: This is our most severe enforcement action.[...]
FreeAssange Day
1) Nothing to do except announce it
It will NOT take extra time or effort or interfere with what you are already doing. On the contrary it will only accelerate and empower everybody’s existing and future efforts worldwide! It will dramatically increase public pressure and the probability of Julian Assange being released sooner, in fact, maybe even before Day X ever arrives!
As said before, the message is the goal! Just announcing the Declaration of #FreeAssange Day one week, or even better two weeks, before the actual day would have created a global hype amongst all active #FreeAssange supporters so great, that it would unavoidably and unstoppably have infected non-active #FreeAssange supporters too as well as people who weren’t aware or those who didn’t even know (too many young people!). Talking about pandemic 😉I am and have been genuinly worried about Julian’s well-being and all that he represents since the beginning, but dramatically more so after Yanis Varoufakis’ video where he bluntly states that Julian is dying.
1 video foundIt suddenly made me feel even a greater urgency that something has to be done right NOW!
Since then I have been crushing my brains thinking about what we, all the people that support Julian, could do to extra boost to the public attention and, with it, maybe accelarate his liberation.
And then, in the Truth Fall teaser, you yourself came up with the answer, Stella.1 video foundIn a flash it was YES!!! Off course!
Let’s turn December 7 into International FreeAssange Day!A third video shot that had really impacted me and filled with outrage at the obvious injustice of it all is the one where they drag Julian out of the embassy into the van and where he cries out “you MUST resist” and “you CAN resist!”.
1 video foundCan we? I say we can and we must.
Initially my thought was that we, people like me with websites or in commitees, had to “create” something from the ground up and “organize” things to provide (new) content and value to this FreeAssange Day. But this night, instead, it has suddenly become clear to me that it’s actually the contrary and much simpler. It’s in your hands!
What really is going to work instantly and with impact is top-down!
SA team only has to anounce the declaration that December 7 is going to be FreeAssange Day
(just to be clear: ONLY, in the sense of only this: anounce in the top ten telegram, twitter and fb groups)
Once you do that, then you will see how fast your ground troops will pick up the message, pass it, engage, come together and start working out what they can do within their possbilities, even on short notice.
Official announcement of International #FreeAssange Day (IFAD)
Dear friends of Julian. Dear people of the world.
Julian Assange has been detained in one form or another since the seventh of December 2010 and now is close to dying from solitary confinement in Belmarsh prison without ever being charged or convicted.
To commemorate the beginning of this injustice brought upon an innocent man and the greatest attack ever on the Freedom of Press thirteen years ago, we officially declare that from now on:7 December is International #FreeAssange Day
We invite all people and all organizations on this planet who care about Julian, who care about Freedom of Press, who care about Human Rights and who care about true Democracy to endorse this declaration during this week.
How? Simply by wearing your #FreeAssange t-shirt and/or badges openly, publically and clearly exposed when you go out onto the street. All day, every day! To school, to work, to meetings, on the train, bus, metro, to the supermarket, bar, restaurant, discoteque, gym… anywhere! Expose your posters and leaflets on windows, on bikes, in cars. And when people ask, explain them and invite them to join and do the same.
This week, let’s create a constant buzz and make it grow into a giant collective roar on Thursday, December 7th, that can be heard up to the courtrooms and Belmarsh itself so that both the judges as Julian will hear and know how many we are raging his same battle for Truth and Justice.Julian told us: “You must resist. You CAN resist.”
Let’s do so.
Today, one week before, the SA Team takes pride and honor in anouncing to all who rage battle for him and also those who don’t that we officially declare the 7th of december to become International #FreeAssange Day!From this year on, International #FreeAssange Day will be the day to remember the world every year about the greatest attack in human history on the Freedom of Press and the Freedom of Speech, the two fundamental pillars of Human Rights and true Democracy, and the injustice and the suffering that has been brought upon the one single man who most fiercefully fought for these rights and freedoms.
International #FreeAssange Day will also remember the world that wars are started by lies, and that Peace can be started by Truth. We invite all people and all organizations on this planet who fight for Julian or feel close to his cause for truth and justice, to wear your #FreeAssange t-shirts and buttons this whole week to school, to work, in the train, the metro, the supermarket, the bars. We invite you to expose your posters and leaflets on windows, on bikes, in cars and let’s show the world know how many we are raging his same battle for truth and justice and explain anyone who asks. If you have the inspiration and the means to do even more (e.g. street- theatre, music, sport, exhibitions, hand-in-hand surrouding of certain buildings…) feel free to add impact, we might hit the (MSM) news! We trust that this global collective action as a run-up to International #FreeAssange Day will increase awareness and understanding both among the general public as among those who will have to decide to set Julian free. In case they don’t they will know that we are prepared and will continue until Day X to #FreeAssange.Thank you all for your efforts.
Stella and team.
Dear Ladies,
Sending above message or similar to just your top 10 references on Twitter and Facebook will take less thought, effort and time than contesting me again. And it will:
- officially establish 7 December as #FreeAssange Day for now and the coming years
- create a shockwave of global proportions that even in the few day left can grow to a tsunami
- increase motivation amongst all active #FreeAssange supporters
- stimulate “dorment” #FreeAssange supporters to become active
- make non-#FreeAssange supporters become more aware
- show courts, judges, politicians and the (MS)Media that we are resisting and strong
- increase the possibilty of Julian’s extradition/Day-X being delayed or cancelled
- have people more prepared and enganged may Day-X nevertheless arrive
It needs no additional time, dedication, organization, planning, programming, or action whatsoever.
The message is the goal.
With the advantage of being located in the earliest time-zone of the planet, if you decide, without hesitations, to send it, you are in time to achieve that the rest of the world will wake up tomorrow, monday, with this unexpected powerful message as their start of the week.
For me it would be the so waited-for starting shot to finally really start engaging some other fourty friends and some twenty groups, and I know it is the same for many millions out there.You asked for my contribution for Day-X. Here you have it, you’ve always had it. And for a second time I beg you, please don’t let this unique opportunity be lost.
It’s up to you.Why demonstrations or just sharing on the internet make no sense
I have actively engaged in demonstrations for some four years since the Inconstitutional and counter Human Rights measures for the supposed pandemic and also with FFF some years before.
When you are in the demonstration and you see all those people around you with the same idea, and almost mission, you feel great, you feel supported and a sense of sharing with “all those people”. This is truly a nice and beautiful feeling and experience.However, when you look at it from the outside, and you see that when you observe the passers-by, you understand that it, effectively, is only that group of which you are part of that moment. But you see that all who are not in that group, actually don’t give a shit or sometimes even go against you, at least in voice.
If you just take a step back, you see that your group is white (so to say) but that all the surrounding is grey, black or close to black. Doing that demonstration, does NOT generate much sympathy or new followers, which is what you in reality hope for, being in that demonstration. On the contrary it creates more contrast between you and your group on one hand and all those who are not in that group on the other hand, even many that might be light gray and shift to dark grey. And the black is even getting more black. Doing the demonstration, seems to actually drive away those outside the demonstration, rather than pulling them in. This has a certain logic, because a demonstration, objectively, is invasive and sometimes even aggressive, even without being violent.
So at a certain point you realize, that doing a demonstration is actually no more than just preaching for those who are already on your side. You are not or hardly generating any new followers, which would really be the ultimate goal of the demonstration. In fact, you notice, specially in small demonstrations, that it even turns into an inbound oriented circle. So you’re actually actively excluding “the outer world”. Or in the opposite sense, you are actually excluding yourself from the outside (real) world, rather than including them in your quest or mission or whatever. That makes no sense.
The same goes for “sharing” thoughts and opinions on the internet, facebook is of course a famous example. It’s even worse, you create your own virtual bubble with all like-mindeds and you’re not even aware anymore of anything outside that bubble. Sharing on the internet is the virtual version of the inbound oriented circle.
2) “The Plan” – essence
Apart from specifically NOT pretending to centrally “organize”, “plan”, “prepare” or “control” what the people should do, and, instead, allow them to FREELY develop and execute their own inspirations and creativity within their own means and surroundings…
the essence of “the plan” consist of just ONE simple thing:Have all #FreeAssange supporters simply go out on the streets in real life wearing their #FreeAssange t-shirts and/or badges openly, publically and clearly exposed. All day, every day! up to #FreeAssange Day and also after if they wish, of course.
To school, to work, on the train, bus, metro, to the supermarket, the bars, the restaurants, discoteques, gyms… where-ever!
This alone will result in more exposure, effect and impact than any “viral internet post” or any local and punctual manifestation (certain date, certain time, certain place for some hours).How it works – basics
Just wearing a visible #FreeAssange badge, every day, the whole day!
(the most elementary option)Example scenario:
- On sunday the first active #FreeAssange supporter A goes out to the street with his #FreeAssange badge clearly exposed on his shirt/coat. While going about his normal life he takes the bus/metro, goes to school/work, passes by the supermarket/shop and ends the day in a bar/restaurant or with friends!
Over the day his #FreeAssange badge will be constantly exposed in a passive, non-invasive and non-aggressive way to hundreds of people. What happens?
Some won’t even see it (0), some won’t care (1), but probably a majority WILL see it (2) and make a mental notice (3). Some will wonder what it is (4), others may even stop to really observe (5), others again will actually recognize it (6) and many will agree! (7). They might even ask a question!! (8) and start a conversation!!! (9).
The most beautiful thing is of course when A meets formerly unknown second active #FreeAssange supporter B in the supermarket (10), thanks to the badge they recognize each other as part of the “family/community” (11), start talking (12), exchange ideas (13), have new inspirations (14), maybe agree to initiate some action for #FreeAssange Day (15), may become the seed of a new local active group (16) and maybe even become friends (17).
Let’s say the indicated numbers are the #FreeAssange “Affinity Factor” (FAAF -invented on the go as I was writing). - On monday both A and B go about their ordinairy life, again with #FreeAssange well exposed.
Again hundreds of people who see the badges. Let’s say that half of these people had already seen the badge the day before, either from A or B so a first repetition occurs. What happens? Well…
for example, some of the people with #FreeAssange Affinity Factor 4 (wondering what it is) will shift to FAAF 5 (recognize it). Some who already recognized it (5) may this time ask a question and shift to (7). Etcetera.
At least a part of the group of hundreds of sunday will shift one FAAF up on monday. - Tuesday… A, B and C go about their life with their #FreeAssange exposed.
A new repetition occurs amongst the hundreds of people they cross. Again part of these people shift one level higher in their #FreeAssange Affinity Factor FAAF. Possibly some of them reach the “level” to start wearing a badge as well. - Wednesday… A, B, C, D, E, F… go out on the street with #FreeAssange clearly exposed.
Get the idea? Repetition after repetition collective awareness and engagement grows.
And this would only be the basics.
Now imagine this same scene in some neighbourhood, not starting with just one single indivitual but let’s say with 20 people triggered by the anouncement of #FreeAssange Day. Right from the day of the anouncement many #FreeAssange supporters will start wearing their badges openly! The next day maybe twice as much people because they have seen the others doing it, and the third day twice as much again. And so on, until… - Thursday 7 december #FreeAssange Day will be a culmination of badge-wearing and mutual motivation amongst active #FreeAssange supporters and also the non-active, the non aware and probably ALSO some non-supporting (moreover, thursday is a great day for the culmination! – people would continue celebrating it over the weekend and possibly the week after)
- In the meantime, during those days of growing repetition of this passive, non-intrusive and non-aggressive exposure to the #FreeAssange badge, from the anouncement (I had hoped at least a week before) to the official Declaration of #FreeAssange Day on 7 December, all people would have shifted one, two or more levels higher in their Affinity for #FreeAssange so the collective awareness, public opinion and pressure would have increased dramatically. Maybe doubled, tripled or even more. This new additional public pressure might well have been strong enough for the “authorities” to decide not to extradite Julian or at least postpone it. Or, if public pressure had really exploded, they might even decide to actually release him.
Exponential, organic growth
Imagine that you just go about your normal life, obviously with #FreeAssange exposed. Since you’re actively engaged, every day you seduce 1 other person into becoming actively engaged as well and they at their turn start seducing 1 person a day too. (seducing is better than convincing 😉
What happens?- Day 1 – 1 Actively Engaged Person (you) makes 1 more Actively Engaged Person (AEP) = 2
- Day 2 – 2 AEPs make 2 new AEPs = 4
- Day 3 – 4 AEPs make 4 new AEPs = 8
- Day 4 – 8 AEPs + 8 new = 16
- Day 5 – 16 + 16 new = 32
- Day 6 – 32 + 32 = 64
- Day 7 – 64 + 64 = 128
- Day 8 – 128 + 128 = 256
- Day 9 – 256 + 256 = 512
- Day 10 – 512 + 512 = 1024
- Thursday 7 december #FreeAssange Day =
Day 10? Day 9? Day8? Day7? Day6????
Simply because you are actively engaged with #FreeAssange, you potentially are the source of more than a thousend new actively engaged people in just ten days, it grows exponentially! That’s why disposing of enough days to do it was so essential.
Even if real results may be half of this or even one tenth, calculate this again, but now starting with a million persons all over the world…Organic
Moreover, this growth is beautifully organic, because it works person to person, in real life and comes about in a natural way. It’s human, it’s nice, it’s friendly, it’s warm.
It’s also totally NOT programmed and quite unpredictable which for once is nice too. We live in an over-arranged, over-calculated, over-programmed, over-organized society and people, consciously or unconsiously, are totally fed up with it even if they don’t know it (yet).
This unpredictable organic element only adds to the engagement and could actually be fun, if it not were for such a saddening motive.
People don’t have to be told anything or guided in any way what to do for #FreeAssange Day. Some will simply stick to just wearing the badge, others instead may be inspired to write a #FreeAssange song, paint #FreeAssange graffity on their house or their boat or their car or their dog (to name just something excentric), #FreeAssange cakes, cocktails, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
When people then, share their ideas, inspirations and actions over the internet they may inspire others, get in contact, make friends and create community. The virtual equivalent of the badge story.The great advantage of this organic “organization” is:
- It actually needs no organization, no planning, no programming, no control, no attention, no nothing. Not from the #FreeAssange supporters themselves nor from SA team! It will come spontaneously from the heart of each engaged person or group.
- So you can just let it be and enjoy the variety and possibly surprising results (actions), because being FREE from restrictions allows for inspirational and creative space that, unavoidably, will bring unexpected outcomes for #FreeAssange Day instead of a repetition of the same.
The Plan – additional features
Here we enter in the sphere of the logical and normal features, but with an extra boosted effect thanks to the created hype during the week (more or less) before and culminating in #FreeAssange Day
- Badges
Provide or have groups themselves provide three or four times as many badges than people in the group. So when they go around, they can offer new engaged people a badge to wear right away who then become a new “spreading source” of #FreeAssange. Just imagine whole groups that distribute ther or four times the number of people they are. - Leaflets
Provide or have groups provide themselves with leaflets calling out for #FreeAssange Day as big header. With such a header it’s easy that people’s curiousity is aroused (specially if they have seen various badges going round the days before), which gives an easy entrance to talk with them. Even if you just leave stacks lying around in the supermarkets, the stations, shops and bars, lots of people will be triggered by the header and want to know more. - T-shirts
Speaks for itself. During the hype lots of T-shirts will be bought and warn, adding to the #FreeAssange exposure and thus increasing awareness and most probably favorable Public Opinion and pressure. - Actions
This would be the great and looked for surprise for everyone. What will everybody have invented as action or event for this day? It doesn’t matter how well they are executed (depending on the resources) there will be many in many places and they all will draw attention. Surely there will be a lot of nice, funny and impressive suprises!
And then the exchange over the internet during the whole weekend and week after! (at least – maybe leading to new creative actions around the world)
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Michael Jackson wanted to Heal the World…
Michael Jackson was één van de meest invloedrijke artiest in de geschiedenis van de muziekindustrie. Hij was niet afhankelijk van deze muziekindustrie, maar eerder andersom. Hij had grote invloed op zijn Fans en was onafhankelijk van geldschieters of platenmaatschappijen. Zo kon hij zich ook veroorloven dingen open uit te spreken, maar daar waren bepaalde groeperingen niet echt blij mee.
Michael Jackson was one of the most influential artist in the history of the music industry. He was not dependent on this music industry, but rather the other way around. He had a great influence on his fans and was independent of financial backers or record companies. This way he could also afford to say things openly, but certain groups were not really happy with that.
23/11/1992 – Heal the world
“Heal the World” is a song recorded by American singer Michael Jackson from his eighth studio album, Dangerous (1991). It was released on November 23, 1992 as the sixth single from the album. It was written and composed by Jackson, and produced by Jackson and Bruce Swedien. It is a song steeped with antiwar lyrics and Jackson’s wish for humanity of making the world a better place.
Heal the World è un singolo del cantante statunitense Michael Jackson, pubblicato il 23 novembre 1992 come settimo estratto dall’album Dangerous del 1991. La canzone fu scritta e composta da Michael Jackson e prodotta da Jackson con la collaborazione di David Foster. Utilizzando il titolo di questa canzone, fondò la Heal the World Foundation, un’associazione benefica che fu progettata per migliorare la vita dei bambini in difficoltà. Tutti i proventi derivanti dal suo Dangerous World Tour furono devoluti a questa associazione, che però chiuse nel 2004 per violazione delle leggi americane in termini di management ed assetto finanziario. Nel documentario Living with Michael Jackson del 2003 Jackson dichiarò di aver scritto la canzone seduto sopra il ramo di un enorme albero del Neverland Ranch, che l’artista chiamava “giving tree” (l’albero donatore) perché riteneva che tale albero lo ispirasse nello scrivere nuove canzoni. Jackson ha detto di aver scritto anche canzoni come Black or White e Childhood seduto su questo albero.
07/11/1995 – Earth Song (what about us?)
“Earth Song” is a song by the American singer Michael Jackson for his ninth studio album, HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I (1995). It was written by Jackson and produced by Jackson, David Foster and Bill Bottrell. Epic Records released on November 7, 1995, as the album’s third single.
Earth Song è una canzone scritta, composta e interpretata dal cantante statunitense Michael Jackson, estratta il 27 novembre 1995 come terzo singolo dall’album HIStory: Past, Present and Future – Book I, dello stesso anno.
31/03/1996 – They don’t care about us.
“They Don’t Care About Us” is a song by American singer and songwriter Michael Jackson, released in April 16, 1996, as the fifth single from his ninth album, HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I (1995).
They Don’t Care About Us è una canzone scritta, composta e interpretata dal cantante statunitense Michael Jackson estratta il 31 marzo 1996 come quarto singolo dall’album HIStory: Past, Present and Future – Book I del 1995.
09/07/2001 (four days before 09/11 ???)
Died 25/06/2009 – 50
“cardiac arrest while under the influence of propofol, a surgical anesthetic”
Dr. Conrad Murray receives four-year sentence in Michael Jackson’s deathPrince 21/04/2016 – 57
“accidental overdose of the opioid fentanyl”
Doctor who treated Prince agrees to pay $30,000 settlement for illegal prescriptionBowie 10/01/2016 – 69
“after an 18-month battle with liver cancer”Michael Jackson wanted to Heal the World…
Michael Jackson was one of the most influential and independent artists in the history of the music industry.
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Proposal: always end with “Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”
Open proposal to everybody, but very specifically to journalists. It’s very simple:
From now on, end all your articles, speeches, programs, broadcasts, podcasts, etcetera with the words:
“Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”
in written text add: #FreeAssange
This simple tactics was used by Cato the Elder, a politician of the Roman Republic.
The phrase originates from debates held in the Roman Senate prior to the Third Punic War (149–146 BC) between Rome and Carthage. Cato is said to have used the phrase as the conclusion to all his speeches, to push for the war, even when the debate was on a completely different matter. (wikipedia)“Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse“
The force of this tactics is the continuous repetition, instead of just mentioning it once or twice and with that consider it “done” or to have complied. It’s (of course) the same tactics as used by publicity.
So, now lets use it for a real cause!In the first place Julian Assange has now been held prisoner and tortured without any official accusation or trial in Belmarsh, the worst prison of the UK, AKA the British Guantanamo, since 11 april 2019.
- He is held there for extradition to the US where he WILL be accused and possibly sentenced to 175 years of prison.
- The accusation of the US is no more than having reveiled the truth to the public about US war crimes. So WHO is the real criminal here?
- Even if you don’t care about Julian or you don’t like him, it is undeniable that Julian Assange has become the absolute symbol for the Freedom of Press and thus Freedom of Speech, which stands at the basis of (y)our Universal Human Rights.
So even if you wouldn’t defend Julian, for your own good you should defend (y)our Human Rights.
US UK together have once again decided that they are above any international law, agreement, rule and human ethics, morality, dignity and consideration.
That sucks!So again, all of us who publish anything, anywhere, lets always finish off those publications with: “Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”
Alternatively, if you want to keep the historical element in your declaration you can opt for latin:
“Ceterum censeo Assangem Liberandum esse”
Or if you’re short on time, space or letters also the good old #FreeAssange will do of course.The important point is to be consistent.
Just in case you didn’t know… in the end Carthago WAS destroyed.Ceterum censeo Assangem liberandum esse. #FreeAssange
Proposal: always end with “Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed.”
Open proposal to everybody, but very specifically to journalists. It’s very simple: From now on, end all your articles, speeches,[...]
For transgender article
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Easy to understand? Credibility? Importance? Urgence? Inspiring(article)/achievable(proposal)? Like/Agree? Average“today I talk about the so-called rainbow propaganda at schools…
…promotion is made for the website iedereenisanders.nl, a project by various organizations, which, among other things, are committed to a diverse and inclusive society in collaboration with the dutch Ministry
of Health, Welfare and Sport.
It addresses, for example, the question of whether you might be transgender, bisexual, intersex, pansexual, asexual, nominal or something else.”The first question on this website is striking.
“How do you know if you are transgender?”
as if that is the new norm.
More than just not to discriminate
The LGBTI community is a minority within the total population and history shows that minorities are easily discriminated against. Of course, reducing discrimination against this LGBTI community, as against all minorities, is a fine goal within a society that indeed wants to live together in a harmonious way and where everyone can be as he or she wants to be.
It can be said that the degree of discrimination is inversely proportional to the degree of inclusiveness, so complete absence of discrimination in fact equals complete inclusiveness.But if that were the aim of the Dutch government, it would suffice to conduct a survey of the level of non-discrimination, or tolerance, among the population and, if necessary, take action to increase that tolerance. In that case, the simple question would be: “How tolerant are you toward the LGBTI community?” or “Do you think everyone can live his/her (sexual) life as they see fit?“. In other words, asking for opinions ABOUT the LGBTI community.
What this government-backed website really does, however, is to push young people to think whether they might be LGBTI themselves. In fact, the website makes it seem as if everyone should undertake “discovery” of their own identity (intended only sexual). That’s a completely different perspective. And then they don’t even ask the simplest and most obvious question whether the young person interviewed might sometimes have homosexual feelings (the vast majority of the entire LGBTI community anyway, so mainly just LGB). But no, the immediate question is why don’t you actually just question your own natural gender that you were born with. And this is what they unsolicitedly (and usually unwantedly) bother young children with: whether they might be “trans”, “intersex”, “pan” or “non-binary”. It starts to sound like a supermarket! One step further and they can order it from Amazon.
Evoking doubt where it does not (yet) exist….
Obviously, the mere fact of asking the question raises that very doubt. This is an extremely simple and old psychological trick which has been exploited ad nauseam for centuries by advertising, marketing and all other kinds of propaganda. Just by asking the question you ensure that something that someone normally doesn’t even think about suddenly becomes an issue. This tactic is so obvious that everyone can naturally sense it (apart from a few unwilling exceptions, of course). And it is clear that this sneaky psychological trick is stronger in children and young people, precisely because they are still in the middle of the process of developing their own personal image of themselves, life and society.
Knowingly, why?
So why does the Dutch government, knowingly (and purposefully?), support the raising of this completely unnecessary doubt, especially among children and young people, in such a targeted and forced way? In any case, it is an issue that will resolve itself over time through a natural and personal process. And even in the case of the extremely small minority that does have personal doubts about their own gender… the vast rest (99%?) doesn’t need to be involved, right?
It almost seems as if there is some kind of obsession to force this mindset into the future society as quickly as possible, starting in primary schools. Many people therefore have the impression that it is not at all about the real concern for an undisturbed, discrimination-free, personal development and ultimate sexual choice of young people, but about an instrumentalization of the entire LGBTI community with an unspoken political goal.
Part of Agenda 2030
Gender equality and inclusion (in other words: non-discrimination of, among others, the LGBTI community) are included in the so-called SDGs of the infamous 2030 Agenda, which strives for a single, centrally controlled global society. What is happening in the Netherlands is also happening in many other, especially Western, countries. But why they choose to completely jump to the other extreme with regard to sexual choice and gender identification and, in some sense of “postive discrimination”, impose it on just about everyone, and therefore no longer being a free, independent, personal choice, is not made clear.
Some statistics from LHBT monitor (NL)
Explanation of the table.
“Excluding the answers “neither,” “don’t know,” and “don’t want to answer”, 94.2% of the Dutch population is heterosexual and 5.8% LGBT in the most recent SLI measurement (2014).”This table only measures lesbian, gay and bisexual. Trans and other gender doubts are not even included, could it be because it is “statistically irrelevant”?
Views 2014 (NL)
Explanation of graph:
The statement read, “gay men and lesbians should be free to live their lives as they see fit. Participants answered on a 5-point scale (1 = totally agree; 5 = totally disagree). The percentages in the gure refer to participants who either completely agreed or agreed with the statement (answer 1 or 2).Again, the question is limited only to views on homosexuality. But it can be assumed to be representative of basically all sexually deviant (not the majority heterosexual) behavior, i.e. LGBT as a whole.
This graph shows that there was actually almost no serious discrimination (anymore) in NL already in 2014, and that proportion has only increased with time, all over Europe.
So actually there is hardly any need to “promote” tolerance. The population itself is already naturally evolving in the right direction. So why support governments:
1 – Questioning doubts about one’s own gender?
2 – Then to put that question to high school children?
3 – And moreover allow treatments and operations on their own initiative for sex-change?
4 – Could this exagerated overdoing maybe even trigger the opposite effect?- Feiten en cijfers op een rij, Transgender personen.
- Het SCP schat dat tussen 0,6% en 0,7% van de Nederlandse bevolking (circa 102.000 personen) transgender is. Deze groep identificeert zich niet met het geslacht dat is geregistreerd bij de geboorte.
- Van de leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs voelt ongeveer 0,7% zich anders dan het toegewezen geslacht. (Kuyper, 2017)
What’s EurOpinion?
The question is not whether it is wrong to teach children to be tolerant, of course not, but why this apparent obsession, which happens globally synchronized, to push them to consciously think and/or doubt their own sexual preference and gender acceptance at such a young age?
Home | Iedereen is andersBen je er nog niet helemaal uit wie je bent of op wie je valt? Dat is helemaal niet erg, iedereen doet dit op diens eigen tempo en eigen manier. Sommige mensen willen helemaal geen label op zichzelf plakken en andere juist weer wel. Jij bent jij! Deze website probeert jou een stuk op weg te helpen o…‘Je kunt niet vroeg genoeg beginnen met kinderen laten zien dat het ook anders kan’Een lesmethode over seksualiteit en genderdiversiteit voor kinderen in groep 3? COC Nederland kreeg nogal wat kritiek toen het plan werd gepresenteerd. Toch valt er wel degelijk iets voor te zeggen, al moet je er wel voorzichtig mee zijn.Nederland toleranter over homoseksualiteit 2016 (wat fijn!)Steeds minder Nederlanders denken negatief over mensen met een andere geaardheid, zegt het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.Nederland opnieuw plaats gezakt op Europese lijst voor lhbti-rechten 2023 (wat eerg!!)Het laagst scoort Nederland op gebied van beleid voor intersekse personen.Homo-acceptatie in Nederland: toen en nuHoe staat het er voor met de homo-acceptatie en LHBTI+ rechten in Nederland? Vier vragen aan John de Witt, deskundige op het gebied van homoseksualiteit.LGBTI obsessie?
“Disney werkt er al honderd jaar aan.”
THE TRANSGENDER AGENDA / THE TRANSHUMAN AGENDANOTA IMPORTANTE!!!! HEMOS REALIZADO UNA MEJORA IMPORTANTE DE LOS SUBTITULOS PUBLICADA EN ESTA DIRECCION... https://gorf.tube/w/4fsMAiuHLoff27UoLZaTo2LILLEY: High school student suspended, arrested for saying only 2 gendersIt happened in Renfrew about an hour away from Ottawa. A student said there were only two genders in class and then trouble started.Profesoras feministas destapan los inquietantes protocolos trans en los colegios: “Lo peor está por venir” | TierraPura.orgPor Sandra León – Libertad Digital Entre los aspectos más polémicos de la ley Trans destaca lo relativo al ámbito escolar. Al permitir la autodeterminación de género desde los 12 años, aquellos menores que acudan al Registro tendrán derecho automáticamente a ser tratados conforme a su nueva identida…Una investigación revela que el 97% de menores trans tiene autismo, depresión u otros problemas mentalesUna investigación llevada a cabo en el Reino Unido revela que el 97 % de menores trans tiene autismo, depresión u otros problemas mentales.17 objectifs de développement durableLes ODD constituent le cadre de référence du développement durable à l’échelle mondialeObjectif 5: Parvenir à l’égalité des sexes et autonomiser toutes les femmes et les fillesL’inégalité des sexes constitue l’un des principaux obstacles au développement durable, à la croissance économique et à la réduction de la pauvreté. Grâce à l’OMD 3, qui consistait à assurer l’égalité des sexes et à renforcer le rôle des femmes, des progrès notables ont été accomplis en matière de s…Primair onderwijs - Transgender NetwerkHet kan voor kinderen een spannende tijd zijn als ze de overgang maken naar de basisschool. Het kind wordt zich meer bewust van de sociale omgeving, zoals de nieuwe klasgenootjes.Zo voelen trans jongeren zich welkom op schoolHoe ga je als school om met trans jongeren? Welke naam of toilet gebruik je? Met goede afspraken hou je het leefbaar voor iedereen.Rainbow Europe Map and Index 2022The 2022 Rainbow Europe Map finds that over the past 12 months a new dynamic has appeared to fill in the gaps that exist around LGBTI rights and push standards, giving governments ground to build uponFor transgender article
Why this apparent obsession, synchronized across the world, to consciously make them think and/or doubt their sexual preferences and gender acceptance at such a young age?
Rules of Procedure and Evidence
Rules of Procedure and Evidence
* Nota esplicativa:
Regolamento di procedura e di prova costituiscono uno strumento di applicazione dello Statuto di Roma della Corte Penale Internazionale, alla quale si rivolgono subordinato in ogni caso. Nell’elaborare le Regole di Procedura e prove, è stata prestata attenzione ad evitare riformulare e, per quanto possibile, ripetere il disposizioni dello Statuto. Riferimenti diretti allo Statuto sono stati inseriti nel Regolamento, ove opportuno, in per sottolineare il rapporto tra le Regole e dello Statuto di Roma, come previsto dall’articolo 51, c particolare, commi 4 e 5. In ogni caso, il Regolamento dell’art Procedura e prova devono essere lette congiuntamente con e nel rispetto delle disposizioni dello Statuto. IL Regolamento di procedura e prova dell’Internazionale Tribunale penale non pregiudica le norme procedurali per nessuno tribunale o sistema giuridico nazionale ai fini della giurisdizione nazionale procedimenti.
** Si riproduce il Regolamento di procedura e di prova dagli atti ufficiali dell’Assemblea degli Stati parti allo Statuto di Roma della Corte penale internazionale, Prima sessione, New York, 3-10 settembre 2002 (ICC-ASP/1/3 e Corr.1), parte II.A. Le modifiche si riflettono tramite note a piè di pagina.
Capitolo 1. Disposizioni generali
Capitolo 2. Composizione e amministrazione della Corte
Capitolo 3. Competenza e ricevibilità
Capitolo 4. Disposizioni relative alle varie fasi del procedimento
Capitolo 5. Indagini e procedimenti giudiziari
Capitolo 6. Procedimento processuale
Capitolo 7. Sanzioni
Capitolo 8. Ricorso e revisione
Capitolo 9. Reati e cattiva condotta contro la Corte
Capitolo 10. Risarcimento alla persona arrestata o condannata
Capitolo 11. Cooperazione internazionale e assistenza giudiziaria
Capitolo 12. ApplicazioneCapitolo 1. Disposizioni generali 1
- Regola 1 Uso dei termini 1
- Regola 2 Testi autentici 1
- Regola 3 Emendamenti 1
Capitolo 2. Composizione e amministrazione della Corte 2
Sezione I. Disposizioni generali relative alla composizione e all’amministrazione della Corte 2
- Articolo 4 Sessioni plenarie 2
- Regola 4 bis La Presidenza 2
- Regola 5 Impegno solenne ai sensi dell’articolo 45 2
- Regola 6 Impegno solenne del personale dell’Ufficio del Procuratore, la cancelleria, gli interpreti e i traduttori 3
- Regola 7 Giudice unico ai sensi dell’articolo 39, comma 2, lettera b) (iii) 3
- Regola 8 Codice di condotta professionale 3
Sezione II. L’ufficio del pubblico ministero 4
- Regola 9 Funzionamento dell’Ufficio del Procuratore 4
- Regola 10 Conservazione delle informazioni e delle prove 4
- Regola 11 Delega delle funzioni del Procuratore 4
Sezione III. Il registro 4
Sottosezione 1. Disposizioni generali relative al Registro 4
- Regola 12 Qualifiche ed elezione del Cancelliere e del Vicecancelliere 4
- Regola 13 Funzioni del Cancelliere 5
- Regola 14 Funzionamento del Registro 5
- Regola 15 Registrazioni 5
Sottosezione 2. Vittime e testimoni Unità 5
- Regola 16 Responsabilità del cancelliere nei confronti delle vittime e dei testimoni 5
- Regola 17 Funzioni dell’Unità 6
- Regola 18 Responsabilità dell’Unità 7
- Regola 19 Competenza nell’Unità 7
Sottosezione 3. Difensori della difesa 8
- Regola 20 Responsabilità del cancelliere relative ai diritti della difesa 8
- Regola 21 Affidamento dell’assistenza legale 9
- Regola 22 Nomina e qualifiche del difensore 9
Sezione IV. Situazioni che possono incidere sul funzionamento della Corte 10
Sottosezione 1. Destituzione dall’incarico e provvedimenti disciplinari 10
Regola 23 Principio generale 10
Regola 24 Definizione di colpa grave e violazione grave dei doveri 10
Regola 25 Definizione di condotta scorretta di natura meno grave 10
Regola 26 Ricezione dei reclami 11
Articolo 27 Disposizioni comuni sui diritti della difesa 11
Regola 28 Sospensione dal servizio 11
Articolo 29 Procedura in caso di richiesta di rimozione dall’incarico 12
Regola 30 Procedura in caso di richiesta di sanzioni disciplinari 12
Regola 31 Destituzione dall’incarico 12
Regola 32 Misure disciplinari 12Sottosezione 2. Scusa, interdizione, morte e dimissioni 13
Regola 33 Scusa del giudice, del pubblico ministero o del sostituto procuratore 13
Regola 34 Interdizione del giudice, del pubblico ministero o del sostituto procuratore 13
Regola 35 Obbligo di richiesta del giudice, del pubblico ministero o del sostituto procuratore
essere scusato 13
Regola 36 Morte di un giudice, del pubblico ministero, di un sostituto procuratore, del cancelliere
o un vice cancelliere 14
Regola 37 Dimissioni del giudice, del pubblico ministero, del sostituto procuratore, del cancelliere
o un vice cancelliere 14Sottosezione 3. Sostituzioni e giudici supplenti 14
Regola 38 Sostituzioni 14
Regola 39 Giudici supplenti 14Sezione V. Pubblicazioni, lingue e traduzione 15
Articolo 40 Pubblicazione delle decisioni nelle lingue ufficiali della Corte 15
Articolo 41 Lingue di lavoro della Corte 15
Regola 42 Servizi di traduzione e interpretazione 15
Articolo 43 Procedura applicabile alla pubblicazione dei documenti della Corte 15Capitolo 3. Competenza e ricevibilità 16
Sezione I. Dichiarazioni e deferimenti relativi agli articoli 11, 12, 13 e 14 16
Regola 44 Dichiarazione prevista dall’articolo 12, comma 3 16
Regola 45 Rinvio della situazione al Procuratore 16Sezione II. Avvio delle indagini ex articolo 15 16
Regola 46 Informazioni fornite al pubblico ministero ai sensi dell’articolo 15 commi 1 e 2 16
Regola 47 Testimonianza ai sensi dell’articolo 15, comma 2 16
Regola 48 Determinazione di basi ragionevoli per procedere con un’indagine ai sensi dell’articolo 15, comma 3 17
Regola 49 Decisione e comunicazione ai sensi dell’articolo 15, comma 6 17
Articolo 50 Procedura di autorizzazione da parte della Camera preliminare del inizio delle indagini 17Sezione III. Impugnazioni e pronunce pregiudiziali ex articoli 17, 18 e 19 18
Regola 51 Informazioni previste dall’articolo 17 18
Regola 52 Notifica prevista dall’articolo 18, comma 1 18
Regola 53 Rinvio previsto dall’articolo 18, comma 2 18
Regola 54 Istanza del pubblico ministero ai sensi dell’articolo 18, comma 2 18
Regola 55 Procedimento relativo all’articolo 18, comma 2 18
Regola 56 Istanza del pubblico ministero dopo il riesame ai sensi dell’articolo 18, paragrafo 3 19
Articolo 57 Misure provvisorie ai sensi dell’articolo 18, comma 6 19
Articolo 58 Procedimento ex articolo 19 19
Regola 59 Partecipazione ai procedimenti di cui all’articolo 19, comma 3 19
Articolo 60 Organo competente a ricevere le impugnazioni 20
Articolo 61 Misure provvisorie ai sensi dell’articolo 19, comma 8 20
Articolo 62 Procedimento ex articolo 19, comma 10 20Capitolo 4. Disposizioni relative alle varie fasi del procedimento 21
Sezione I. Prove 21
Regola 63 Disposizioni generali relative alle prove 21
Regola 64 Procedura relativa alla pertinenza o all’ammissibilità delle prove 21
Regola 65 Compellabilità dei testimoni 21
Regola 66 Impegno solenne 22
Regola 67 Testimonianza dal vivo mediante tecnologie di collegamento audio o video 22
Regola 68 Testimonianza previa registrata 22
Regola 69 Accordi sulle prove 24
Regola 70 Principi della prova nei casi di violenza sessuale 24
Regola 71 Prova di altra condotta sessuale 25
Regola 72 Procedura a porte chiuse per valutare la pertinenza o l’ammissibilità delle prove 25
Regola 73 Comunicazioni e informazioni privilegiate 25
Regola 74 Autoincriminazione del testimone 26
Regola 75 Incriminazione di familiari 28Sezione II. Divulgazione 28
Regola 76 Divulgazione preprocessuale relativa ai testimoni dell’accusa 28
Regola 77 Ispezione del materiale in possesso o in controllo del Procuratore 28
Regola 78 Ispezione del materiale in possesso o controllo della difesa 29
Regola 79 Informativa da parte della difesa 29
Regola 80 Procedure per sollevare motivi di esclusione della responsabilità penale ai sensi dell’articolo 31, comma 3 29
Regola 81 Restrizioni alla divulgazione 29
Regola 82 Restrizioni alla divulgazione di materiale e informazioni tutelati ai sensi dell’art articolo 54, comma 3, lettera e) 30
Regola 83 Decisione sulle prove a discarico ai sensi dell’articolo 67, comma 2 31
Regola 84 Divulgazione e prove aggiuntive per il processo 31Sezione III. Vittime e testimoni 31
Sottosezione 1. Definizione e principio generale relativo alle vittime 31
Regola 85 Definizione di vittime 31
Regola 86 Principio generale 31Sottosezione 2. Protezione delle vittime e dei testimoni 32
Regola 87 Misure di protezione 32
Regola 88 Misure speciali 33Sottosezione 3. Partecipazione delle vittime al procedimento 33
Regola 89 Domanda di partecipazione delle vittime al procedimento 33
Regola 90 Rappresentanti legali delle vittime 34
Regola 91 Partecipazione dei rappresentanti legali al procedimento 34
Regola 92 Notifica alle vittime e ai loro rappresentanti legali 35
Regola 93 Opinioni delle vittime o dei loro rappresentanti legali 36Sottosezione 4. Risarcimenti alle vittime 36
Regola 94 Procedura su richiesta 36
Regola 95 Procedura su mozione della Corte 37
Regola 96 Pubblicazione degli atti di riparazione 37
Regola 97 Valutazione delle riparazioni 37
Regola 98 Fondo fiduciario 37
Regola 99 Cooperazione e misure cautelari ai fini della decadenza ai sensi degli articoli 57, comma 3, lettera e), e 75, comma 4 38Sezione IV. Disposizioni varie 38
Regola 100 Luogo del procedimento 38
Regola 101 Termini 39
Regola 102 Comunicazioni non scritte 39
Regola 103 Amicus curiae e altre forme di sottomissione 39Capitolo 5. Indagini e procedimenti giudiziari 40
Sezione I. Decisione del Pubblico Ministero sull’avvio di un’indagine ai sensi dell’articolo 53, commi 1 e 2 40
Regola 104 Valutazione delle informazioni da parte del Pubblico Ministero 40
Regola 105 Notifica della decisione del Pubblico Ministero di non avviare un’indagine 40
Regola 106 Notifica della decisione del Pubblico Ministero di non procedere 40Sezione II. Procedura ex articolo 53, comma 3 41
Regola 107 Richiesta di revisione ai sensi dell’articolo 53, comma 3, lettera a) 41
Regola 108 Decisione della Camera preliminare ai sensi dell’articolo 53, comma 3, lettera a) 41
Regola 109 Controllo della Camera preliminare ai sensi dell’articolo 53, comma 3, lettera b) 41
Regola 110 Decisione della Camera preliminare ai sensi dell’articolo 53, paragrafo 3, lettera b) 42Sezione III. Raccolta delle prove 42
Regola 111 Verbale degli interrogatori in genere 42
Regola 112 Registrazione degli interrogatori in casi particolari 42
Regola 113 Raccolta di informazioni riguardanti lo stato di salute della persona interessato 43
Regola 114 Opportunità investigativa unica ai sensi dell’articolo 56 43
Regola 115 Raccolta delle prove nel territorio di uno Stato Parte ai sensi dell’articolo 57, paragrafo 3, lettera d) 44
Regola 116 Raccolta delle prove su richiesta della difesa ai sensi dell’articolo 57, paragrafo 3, lettera b) 44Sezione IV. Procedure relative alla restrizione e alla privazione della libertà 44
Regola 117 Detenzione nello Stato di custodia 44
Regola 118 Custodia cautelare presso la sede del Tribunale 45
Regola 119 Liberazione condizionale 45
Regola 120 Strumenti coercitivi 46Sezione V. Procedimento relativo all’accertamento delle accuse ex articolo 61 46
Regola 121 Procedimento prima dell’udienza di conferma 46
Regola 122 Procedura dell’udienza di conferma in presenza dell’interessato addebitato 48
Regola 123 Misure volte a garantire la presenza dell’interessato a l’udienza di conferma 48
Regola 124 Rinuncia al diritto di presenziare all’udienza di conferma49
Regola 125 Decisione di tenere l’udienza di conferma in assenza di l’interessato 49
Regola 126 Udienza di conferma in assenza dell’interessato 49Sezione VI. Chiusura della fase istruttoria 50
Regola 127 Procedura in caso di decisioni diverse su più accuse 50
Regola 128 Modifica delle tariffe 50
Regola 129 Notifica della decisione sulla conferma delle accuse 50
Regola 130 Costituzione della Camera di primo grado 50Capitolo 6. Procedimento processuale 51
Regola 131 Verbale del procedimento trasmesso dalla Camera preliminare 51
Regola 132 Conferenze sullo status 51
Regola 132 bis Designazione di un giudice per la preparazione del processo 51
Regola 133 Mozioni di impugnazione dell’ammissibilità o della giurisdizione 52
Regola 134 Mozioni relative al procedimento dibattimentale 52
Regola 134 bis Presenza mediante l’uso di tecnologie video 52
Regola 134 ter Scusa dalla presenza al processo 53
Regola 134 quater Scusa dalla presenza al processo per pubblici uffici straordinari 53
Regola 135 Visita medica dell’imputato 53
Regola 136 Processi congiunti e separati 54
Regola 137 Verbale del dibattimento 54
Regola 138 Custodia delle prove 54
Regola 139 Decisione sull’ammissione di colpa 54
Regola 140 Indicazioni per lo svolgimento del procedimento e delle testimonianze 55
Articolo 141 Segreteria delle prove e dichiarazioni conclusive 55
Articolo 142 Deliberazioni 55
Articolo 143 Ulteriore udienza su questioni relative alla pena o ai risarcimenti 56
Articolo 144 Trasmissione delle decisioni della Camera di primo grado 56Capitolo 7. Sanzioni 57
Regola 145 Determinazione della pena 57
Regola 146 Irrogazione delle sanzioni ex articolo 77 58
Regola 147 Ordinanze di confisca 59
Regola 148 Ordini di trasferimento di multe o confische al Fondo fiduciario 59Capitolo 8. Ricorso e revisione 60
Sezione I. Disposizioni generali 60
Regola 149 Norme che disciplinano la procedura nella Camera d’appello 60Sezione II. Ricorsi contro condanne, assoluzioni, sentenze e ordinanze di riparazione 60
Regola 150 Appello 60
Regola 151 Procedura di ricorso 60
Regola 152 Rigetto del ricorso 60
Regola 153 Sentenza sui ricorsi contro ordinanze di risarcimento 61Sezione III. Ricorsi contro altre decisioni 61
Regola 154 Ricorsi che non richiedono il permesso della Corte 61
Regola 155 Ricorsi che richiedono l’autorizzazione della Corte 61
Regola 156 Procedura di ricorso 61
Regola 157 Rigetto del ricorso 62
Regola 158 Sentenza sull’appello 62Sezione IV. Revisione della condanna o della sentenza 62
Regola 159 Domanda di revisione 62
Regola 160 Trasferimento ai fini della revisione 62
Regola 161 Determinazione sulla revisione 62Capitolo 9. Reati e cattiva condotta contro la Corte 64
Sezione I. Delitti contro l’amministrazione della giustizia previsti dall’articolo 70 64
Regola 162 Esercizio della giurisdizione 64
Regola 163 Applicazione dello Statuto e dei Regolamenti 64
Regola 164 Termini di prescrizione 64
Regola 165 Indagini, accusa e processo 65
Regola 166 Sanzioni ex articolo 70 65
Regola 167 Cooperazione internazionale e assistenza giudiziaria 66
Regola 168 Ne bis in idem 66
Regola 169 Arresto immediato 66Sezione II. Illeciti davanti alla Corte ex articolo 71 66
Regola 170 Interruzione del procedimento 66
Regola 171 Rifiuto di ottemperare ad un ordine della Corte 66
Regola 172 Condotta prevista sia dagli articoli 70 che 71 67Capitolo 10. Risarcimento alla persona arrestata o condannata 68
Art. 173 Richiesta di risarcimento 68
Articolo 174 Procedura per chiedere il risarcimento 68
Regola 175 Entità del risarcimento 68Capitolo 11. Cooperazione internazionale e assistenza giudiziaria 69
Sezione I. Richieste di collaborazione ex articolo 87 69
Art. 176 Organi della Corte competenti a trasmettere e ricevere eventuali comunicazioni
comunicazioni relative alla cooperazione internazionale e
assistenza giudiziaria 69
Regola 177 Canali di comunicazione 69
Regola 178 Lingua scelta dagli Stati parti ai sensi dell’articolo 87, paragrafo 2 69
Articolo 179 Lingua delle richieste rivolte agli Stati non parti dello Statuto 70
Regola 180 Cambiamenti nei canali di comunicazione o nelle lingue
richieste di collaborazione 70Sezione II. Consegna, transito e richieste concorrenti ex articoli 89 e 90 70
Articolo 181 Eccezione dell’ammissibilità di una causa davanti a un giudice nazionale 70
Regola 182 Richiesta di transito ai sensi dell’articolo 89, comma 3, lettera e) 70
Regola 183 Eventuale consegna temporanea 70
Regola 184 Accordi per la consegna 71
Regola 185 Liberazione di una persona dalla custodia della Corte diversa da quella su completamento della frase 71
Regola 186 Domande concorrenti nell’ambito dell’impugnazione dell’ammissibilità del caso 71Sezione III. Atti per l’arresto e la consegna ex articoli 91 e 92 71
Regola 187 Traduzione dei documenti allegati alla richiesta di consegna 71
Regola 188 Termine per la presentazione dei documenti dopo l’arresto provvisorio 72
Regola 189 Trasmissione degli atti a supporto della richiesta 72Sezione IV. Cooperazione ai sensi dell’articolo 93 72
Regola 190 Istruzione sull’autoincriminazione che accompagna la richiesta di testimonianza 72
Regola 191 Assicurazione fornita dalla Corte ai sensi dell’articolo 93, comma 2 72
Regola 192 Trasferimento di una persona detenuta 72
Regola 193 Trasferimento temporaneo della persona dallo Stato dell’esecuzione 73
Regola 194 Collaborazione richiesta alla Corte 73Sezione V. Cooperazione ex articolo 98 73
Regola 195 Informazione 73Sezione VI. Regola di specialità ex articolo 101 74
Regola 196 Parere sull’articolo 101, comma 1 74
Regola 197 Proroga della consegna 74Capitolo 12. Applicazione 75
Sezione I. Ruolo degli Stati nell’esecuzione delle pene detentive e modifica nella designazione dello Stato dell’esecuzione ai sensi degli articoli 103 e 104 75
Regola 198 Comunicazioni tra la Corte e gli Stati 75
Regola 199 Organo competente ai sensi del comma 10 75
Regola 200 Elenco degli Stati di applicazione 75
Regola 201 Principi di equa distribuzione 75
Regola 202 Momento della consegna del condannato allo Stato dell’esecuzione 76
Regola 203 Opinioni del condannato 76
Regola 204 Informazioni relative alla designazione 76
Regola 205 Rigetto della designazione in un caso particolare 76
Regola 206 Consegna del condannato allo Stato dell’esecuzione 76
Regola 207 Transito 77
Regola 208 Spese 77
Regola 209 Modifica della designazione dello Stato dell’esecuzione 77
Regola 210 Procedura per la modifica della designazione dello Stato di esecuzione 77Sezione II. Esecuzione, vigilanza e trasferimento ex articoli 105, 106 e 107 78
Regola 211 Controllo dell’esecuzione delle pene e condizioni di detenzione 78
Regola 212 Informazioni sull’ubicazione della persona sottoposta all’esecuzione delle multe, Decadenze o misure riparatorie 78
Regola 213 Procedimento ex articolo 107, comma 3 78Sezione III. Limitazione dell’azione penale o della punizione altri delitti previsti dall’articolo 108 79
Regola 214 Richiesta di procedere o di esecuzione di una pena per comportamenti pregressi 79
Regola 215 Decisione sulla richiesta di procedere o di esecuzione di una pena 79
Regola 216 Informazioni sull’esecuzione 80Sezione IV. Esecuzione di sanzioni pecuniarie, misure di confisca e ordinanze risarcitorie 80
Regola 217 Cooperazione e provvedimenti esecutivi di sanzioni pecuniarie, di confisca o
ordinanze di riparazione 80
Regola 218 Ordinanze di decadenza e risarcimenti 80
Regola 219 Non modifica delle ordinanze di riparazione 81
Regola 220 Non modifica delle sentenze che hanno inflitto ammende 81
Regola 221 Decisione sulla disposizione o attribuzione di beni o beni 81
Regola 222 Assistenza al servizio o ad ogni altro provvedimento 81Sezione V. Revisione sulla riduzione di pena ex articolo 110 81
Regola 223 Criteri di revisione in merito alla riduzione di pena 81
Regola 224 Procedura di revisione in merito alla riduzione di pena 82Rules of Procedure and Evidence
Regolamento di procedura e di prova costituiscono uno strumento di applicazione dello Statuto di Roma della Corte Penale Internazionale,